
Okay, so you get this letter in the mail:

This just says, "throw fiscal responsibility to the wind and go on vacation--NOW!"

We ride roller coasters and walk on the beach. We dine in fine restaurants and taste the world's finest wines. We sleep in the most gracious of accommodations...okay, maybe not that, but we had a darn fine time.

Then, Gretchen the letter carrier comes one day. With an envelope. An envelope we didn't open for several days. And when we did, Leisa and I both kind of threw up a little bit in the back of our throats:

There's more:

28.99% APR. $4,915.84.

With the exception of the $38 for Fanfire, which was a Bruce Springsteen cap and magnet that they were out of when we saw him in concert last month (awesome), everything else is the trip. Best Buy was a portable DVD player for Brittany, lensbabies was a camera lens, Simpson tools was the cartop carrier.

I'm stupid, but I had a good time!

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