Week Sixteen

Week Sixteen saw the installation of Windows, and I'm not talking about the Microsoft product. And I was wrong about plumbing and electric. Maybe next week.

Here are the windows on the east side of the house. I'm standing where the dining patio will eventually be located.

Here's the view of the windows from the southwest corner of the house.

These are the basement windows. The handy-dandy escape ladder is currently located in the window well on the left.

Ernie previously added the split block to hook the window wells to the wall. Looking good.

Here's what got Leisa spinning this week: I got a phone call from Mark, but I left my cell phone on my desk. Leisa then got a call. It was command decision time. Brittany's* room only has one window that opens. It was supposed to be in the center. Mark fastened it into the opening on the left (as seen from inside), before he realized that it was the only window of that type. He was worried that he would damage it if he tried to remove it. He called me for direction, but I wasn't around.

I don't mind, as I think that the airflow through the room will be better with the window in this position--at least that's what I tried to tell Leisa. She's worried about the symmetry, but it doesn't really bother me.

Our friend Tammy came by on Friday afternoon for a tour of the project. Just as she arrived, this guy--Thomas--wandered up in full military getup. He owns two houses down the street, and wanted to know about the remodel. I spent some time showing him the project while Leisa and Tammy talked. Thomas wants to add about 800 feet onto his house. We chatted for quite a while before he left and I joined Leisa and Tammy's convo.

*The rooms are still up for grabs at this time.

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