Week Ten

Week ten is getting ready to backfill. The window wells were delivered to the site on Monday. The final grouting of the basement walls also took place. And on Friday I got a wide angle lens for my digital camera. This will improve your website experience. (It isn't a great lens, and the image becomes a little fuzzy and distorted near the edges.) Click here to donate to the camera lens fund. (Amazingly, the donation link is the the same as the remodel fund in general.)

Here's a close-up of the window wells. These were to be installed this week, prior to any back-filling occurring. Mike, the excavation guy came out on Thursday and dug back from the basement wall so the window wells could be placed. He didn't dig far enough away from the walls however. He was four inches short. The hole should be thirty-eight inches wide, but he only dug thirty-four inches.

We talked with Mark today and he's guessing that the window wells will be in place on Monday, and they'll start doing some basement framing next week.

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